(It has been a week since Trump got re-elected)
And what a beautiful week it has been. I missed the taste of those sweet sweet leftist tears. If you’re on X (formerly Twitter) at all, I’m sure you’ve seen the implosion. It has probably happened on every social media platform, but I try to limit my exposure to that brain damaging stuff as much as possible.
But it’s time to put the gloating aside and get back to work building our community. We dodged a bullet literally and figuratively with this election, and I think it has bought us some time. I think after the inauguration in January we can start coming out of the shadows. We will see what Trump does with the J6 protestors that the government has locked in cells right now. The case of Enrique Tarrio is one that I’m watching closely. Hopefully we will start seeing a lot of these folks exonerated. That will really be the test to know if Trump is legit or not. He damned well better stand up for those who stood up for him.
Because it’s all about values. The Three Percent is an organization based on values. American values. And I think those values can be summed up succinctly in three fundamental tenets:
Fundamental Tenets of American Values
- Capitalism — Private Property Rights
- Individual Liberty/Freedom
- Limited (constrained) Necessary Government
People these days don’t understand what it truly means to be American. When I was child in the 1970’s things were different. Nowadays you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone that could name five founding fathers or recite three rights from the Bill of Rights, or even know what the Bill of Rights is, for that matter.
Capitalism — America is a capitalist country. Capitalism certainly has it’s flaws, don’t get me wrong, but it is still way better than the alternatives. And it is God’s greatest gift to humankind.
Individual Liberty/Freedom — Again, a strong consideration as to the liberty of the individual is needed for self-determination. This doesn’t mean we don’t work together. We can and we should. But to be cogs in the monolithic socialist government machine is not what God intended for humans to be.
Limited Government — Constitutional government is a good idea. The founders saw government as a necessary evil, and an evil that must be restrained. As a Three Percenter I don’t believe that our loyalty is to government, but rather, to our community, and to the values that we hold in common.
This is foundation of the Palmetto State Three Percent. I will expand on these ideas in future blog posts. For now, just think about these values and whether or not you agree. Are there truly others that I’ve missed, or do the new ones that you think of actually fit into those above? We can discuss when I meet you in person.
This is not a virtual organization. We are not looking for pen pals. We are looking for people who want to make a difference in the real world, for themselves and for others. To take part and to contribute and to grow.
I will see you at our next monthly meeting.
– Smashy